Get ready for an exciting adventure!

  • Five simple questions below will help you feel yourself as a wholesome, wild Siberian herb.

  • Take the quiz to proceed to the second stage of the contest – the poetry challenge. Apply your originality to discover Altai Mountains!

Submission of creative works is over!
We appreciate the enthusiasm of all the Contest participants.
30 best works will be posted on June 1st, while TOP-10 winners will be announced on June 5th!

Question 1/5

Not everyone can work in all weathers. How about you?

Один стремился встать на мостик.
Другой разъехаться в шпагат.
Травой волшебной край сибирский

I am a marsh cinquefoil.

Asanas, splits and improved flexibility - a piece of cake!

Suffer from clicking joints? While knees are not flexible enough? Get tired of backaches? I am a marsh cinquefoil, your best friend against musculoskeletal disorders. Explore in what products I can be found.

the contest

Marsh cinquefoil is used for many Siberian Health products.
Learn more about it!

Истоки Чистоты
Бальзам Уян Номо"
И все хотят быть энергичней
Умней, светлей, бодрей, сильней!
А просто надо бы держаться

I am a maral root!

Ready to give you boundless energy!

My second name is Rhaponticum carthamoides. I am good at preventing stresses and fatigue. Ideal helper to overcome excessive loads. So, I support the active and energetic ones! Explore in what products I can be found.

the contest

Maral root корень is used for many Siberian Health products.
Learn more about it!

Men’s Box
Работа в банке много нервов
Ко всем любви ко всем на вы
Курить нельзя. Хотя бы выпью

I am a Baikal skullcap!

Keep calm and relax!

You will be pleased to meet me in times of stresses! I will help you calm down, relax and overcome headache and tachycardia. Are you run off your feet? Then you are going my way. Explore in what products I can be found.

the contest

Baikal skullcap is used for many Siberian Health products.
Learn more about it!

Элемвитал с магнием
Элемвитал с селеном
PHYTOMEDICA Фитомедика Фаза 2. ночной крем
Experalta Platinum Эксфолиант для очищения пор
Дождавшись окончанья кашля
Главврач промолвил наконец
- Больной, скажу вам честно. Полный

I am a Siberian thyme.

Don't dare to cough!

I am an herbal doctor. Cough, running nose and other respiratory problems will run away like hell! Explore in what products I can be found.

the contest

Siberian thyme is used for many Siberian Health products.
Learn more about it!

Бальзам Корень
Истоки Чистоты
Синхровитал 5
Духаал Аза Масло тонус
Гэсэр шапунь-гель для душа
СПА очищение 3 в 1
Вставай, беги, танцуй, работай!
Забудь усталость и хандру...
Но не забудь остановиться
К утру!

I am siberian ginseng (eleuterococcus)!

I am your battery!

I have so much energy and nutrients that my friends call me Siberian ginseng! I can give you strength, effectively fight fatigue and boost optimism. Explore in what products I can be found.

the contest

Siberian ginseng (eleuterococcus) is used for many Siberian Health products.
Learn more about it!

Ритмы Здоровья
Enregy Box
Men’s Box
Элемвитал с железом
СПА Очищение для лица 3-в-1
СПА крем для рук "Женьшень"